Lady in White Movie Trivia

Lady in White Trivia

He witnessed the Murder. then he met the victims...
Lady in White Picture

Totally Trivia

Film facts for the 1988 Horror / Occult movie starring Lukas Haas, Len Cariou, Alex Rocco, Katherine Helmond

Jason Presson, Renata Vanni, Angelo Bertolini, Joelle Jacobi, Jack Andreozzi, Hal Bokar, Tom Bower, Lucy Lee Flippin, Henry Harris, Bruce Kirby, Sydney Lassick, Gregory Levinson, Jared Rushton, Rose Weaver, Rita Zohar Update Cast

We believe the following trivia is all legit. If it's bogus or you have additional info, please update us.

Rewind Archive
Won the top awards in the Festival of Imagination.
Thanks to Angela Penkin
I have lived in Rochester my whole life and of course know of the Lady in White. The story I knew was that a woman lost her daughter to a murderer (boyfriend?) in lovers lane (Durand Eastman Park) and after that she always haunted the lovers in their cars - and may have even killed a few teenage boys for revenge.
Director/producer/writer Frank LaLoggia has an uncredited part as an adult Frank Scarlatti.
Thanks to Roger Awalt
Though I am a native Rochesterian, I had not heard about the Lady of The Cliffs (a.k.a. - The Lady In White) until after I returned from the Air Force. I was telling a friend about an experience I'd had at one of the many parks along Lake Ontario. The movie was especially chilling for me, as my friend believed I had seen the Lady of The Cliffs. The cloakroom scene gives me chills.

Bogus Trivia

There's often fake stuff floating round, y'know? -Like the 'ghost boy' that can allegedly be seen in "Three Men And A Baby".

But, nothing bogus that we know yet for "Lady in White".
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