Valley Girl Soundtrack

Valley Girl Soundtrack


Vocal Song Tracks

Valley Girl featured the following songs:

Click/tap highlighted track names for full Soundtrack release info
Artists are linked if they appear in other featured movies.


This soundtrack define the whole 80's New Wave Genre. Finally released by Rhino in 1993 on CD and later followed by a second installment of further songs. I recommend both volumes!!!!Update Us

Song Trivia

Thanks to Michael Coughlin
Josie Cotton (the singer in the prom scenes) is still recording new music. A new album titled "Movie Disaster Music" was just released this month (August 2006).check out Josie Cotton at this link: Elizabeth "E.G." Daily (Loryn) has also recorded new music with a new album titled "Changing Faces" due out soon.check out E.G. Daily at this link:
Thanks to Kathy / Bryan Simmons
In Valley Girl, in the club that Randy and Julie go to with Fred and Stacy; the band that is playing is called "The Plimsouls." This was an authentic 80's, LA band of the time. After recording two independent albums, they released an album on Geffen Records in 1983 titled "Everywhere At Once" [which includes their songs heard in Valley Girl] and were named Best LA Band. Songwriter and lead singer, Peter Case, has numerous solo releases and continues to record and play live to this day. They also cut a couple of singles; one of which is "Million Miles Away," which is featured in the movie.
Thanks to Craig Davis
Like several low budget 80s teen movies, some of the songs used in the movie changed when the film came out on video. "Mickey", "He Was Really Saying Something", "Do You Really Want To Hurt Me" and "Cool Places" were featured in the original theatrical version of the film, and they appear on the soundtrack (Volume 2).
Thanks to Chris Givens
The band playing at the prom in "Valley Girl" is actually 'Josie Cotton', and the two main songs featured are her (only?) semi-hits, "Johnny Are You Queer?" and "He Could Be the One".

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Instrumental Score

Primary Composer(s): Unknown - Please Update Us


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1983 Atlantic Pictures
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