48 HRS Soundtrack

48 HRS Soundtrack


Vocal Song Tracks

48 HRS featured the following songs:

Click/tap highlighted track names for full Soundtrack release info
Artists are linked if they appear in other featured movies.


The unforgettable "Boys are Back in Town" by the Bus Boys is still stuck in everyone's head to this day as well as Murphy's version of The Police classic "Roxanne".Update Us

Song Trivia

Thanks to Dave Crump
The band playing at Vroman's, The Bus Boys, also appear on the soundtrack for the 80's classic, "Ghostbusters" with the song "Cleaning Up the Town." The Bus Boys were also the band that used to open for Eddie Murphy in the early 80's when he was still doing stand-up comedy.

Next: The Instrumental Music

Instrumental Score

Primary Composer(s): James Horner

48 HRS featured the following pieces of instrumental music:

Click/tap highlighted track names for full Soundtrack release info.
Composers are linked if they worked on other featured movies.


James Horner makes his sound jazzy yet dramatic and would later rehash this sound in Commando and Red Heat.Update Us

Score Trivia

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1982 Paramount Pictures
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