Getting into trouble is easy but getting out of it is all the fun!
Practice makes perfect
"Er, someone wasn't on top of their game that day..."
See the goofs, blunders and plain ole mistakes in the 1985 Dance / Music movie starring
Sarah Jessica Parker, Helen Hunt, Shannen Doherty, Lee Montgomery (I)
Holly Gagnier, Lee Montgomery, Morgan Woodward, Ed Lauter, Jonathan Silverman, Margaret Howell, Terence McGovern, Biff Yeager, Kristi Somers, Ian Giatti, Richard Blade, Lee Arnone, Shaun Bryant, Charene Cathleen, Mark Caso, Deanna Shapiro Update Cast
We believe the following are all legit mistakes. If we've bungled it, or you have additional info, please update us.
Thanks to Sara
When Janey and Lynn are riding in the bus on the way to the contest, her hair is not rolled; however, when they run into the tv studio, her hair is perfectly rolled and when she runs to Jeff, she has on dancing shoes.Thanks to Amy
In the dance tryout scene after Lynn and her partner are cut and Lynn goes after him, you can see Jeff's stunt/dance double in the foreground (wearing the red sleeveless shirt). You can also apparently see Sarah Jessica Parker's dance/stunt double instead of SJP during the same scene.Thanks to Hally
In the scene where Sarah Jessica Parker is in the bath tub, you can see a man's head at the bottom of the screen if you look quickly.Thanks to Lisa B
There's a scene where Janey recieves a phone call while in the bathtub. Her little brother answers the phone, and goes into the bathroom to tell her. You see SJP getting out of the tub and into a robe. She exits the bathroom to take the call, and the little brother walks out after her. Gross! Does that mean she got out of the tub and into her robe with him standing in there? Um, ew!Thanks to Anonymous
Janey's hair was also up in the bathtub scene and it is down when she walks out to answer the phone.Thanks to chimpanshane
When Maggie goes to the tailoring shop to talk with Drew, she rides with the skateboard, and in the next scene the skateboard disappears.Thanks to Maze
During the Dance Contest at the park they have 7 couples as their finalist but during the final competition there are only 6 couples and only 5 couples are shown dancing.Thanks to Anonymous
Janie's braid changes while she and Jeff get in the fight when he quits the contest.Thanks to Anonymous
In the opening credits, when the 3 male dancers are doing "trenches" up on the set, the one on the far right flips to face the other direction too early and quickly turns back.Bogus Blunders
Sometimes an apparent goof is not a real mistake
The following goofs for "Girls Just Want to Have Fun" are apparently bogus. If you disagree or have additional info, please update us.Maggie is in the tuxedo shop talking to Jeff's best friend when she sees Janey and Lynn in the mall. Instead of saying Janey and Lynn, Maggie says 'Hey there's Jess Parker and that crazy girl.' When the camera cuts back to Maggie, she yells out 'Hey Janey, Lynn, over here.'
Maggie and Drew were in a men's suit store, when Janey and Lynne were coming down the escalator and Maggie points and says there's Jesse Parker and that cool girl. Shannon Doherty called Sarah Jessica Parker by her real name.
Update: Rebecca kindly wrote in to say that Maggie says "There's Jeff's partner and that cool girl!". She does not say "Jesse Parker"
Update: Rebecca kindly wrote in to say that Maggie says "There's Jeff's partner and that cool girl!". She does not say "Jesse Parker"
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1985 New World Pictures
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