Don't Tell Her It's Me Movie Trivia

Don't Tell Her It's Me Trivia

AKA: The Boyfriend School
A romantic comedy about true love under false pretenses
Don't Tell Her It's Me Picture
Gus falls for Emily played by Jami Gertz

Totally Trivia

Film facts for the 1989 Romantic Comedy movie starring Steve Guttenberg, Jami Gertz, Shelley Long, Kyle MacLachlan

Mädchen Amick, Laura Alcalde, Perry Anzilotti, Bill Applebaum, Stacy Areheart, O'Neal Compton, Nada Despotovich, Jeannie Epper, Tony Epper, John 'Speed' Finley, Kenneth Grahame, Beth Grant, Bert Hogue, Francis 'Jessie' Krosnick, Caroline Lund, Sally Lund, Joe Mowbray, Kevin Scannell Update Cast

We believe the following trivia is all legit. If it's bogus or you have additional info, please update us.

Editor Nick
Lobo, "the lone wolf" takes his name from the famous, best selling story by Ernest Thompson Seaton of his real-life hunting of Lobo, the last outlaw wolf of the wild west that allegedly had a price on its head of one thousand dollars. After an epic and moving personal struggle to outwit this highly intelligent beast, Seaton gained new respect for his quarry and resolved never to kill another wolf.
Rewind Archive
Director, Malcolm Mowbray says that he specifically liked the comedy he saw in the story. "I look for the embarrassing moments in everyday life. When you're trapped in a farce, it's not funny. It can be a nightmare. But it's funny to someone, or an audience who's watching."
Editor Nick
Steve Guttenberg earned a cool million for his work on the movie.
Rewind Archive
Originally the production was to have been made in Texas. The novel, on which the film is based, was set in Austin, which is where the writer lived.

Production notes reveal that the producers instead filmed in Charleston, SC, because they wanted a more ethereal, romantic feel, evocative of Southern plantations and Spanish moss.
Editor Nick
The award winning political cartoonist Robert Ariail did Gus's cartoons for the movie. You can read more about his remarkable career at his website
Rewind Archive
The memorable and charismatic biker who Emily passes on the way to the airport who says "Boss Hog, darlin'" was legendary Charlotte character John Finlay, aka "Brother Speed".
Thanks to Stephanie
In Sarah Bird's book, Jamie Gertz character's name was Gretchen Griner and the persona adopted by Gus was that of a character from a novel Gretchen was writing, not Shelly Long's character.
Rewind Archive
The movie has since been shown on cable and subsequently released on DVD with the title "The Boyfriend School".

Bogus Trivia

There's often fake stuff floating round, y'know? -Like the 'ghost boy' that can allegedly be seen in "Three Men And A Baby".

But, nothing bogus that we know yet for "Don't Tell Her It's Me".
Next: Behind The Scenes
1989 Hemdale
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