Real Genius Soundtrack

Real Genius Soundtrack


Vocal Song Tracks

Real Genius featured the following songs:

Artists are linked if they appear in other featured movies.

I'm Falling
The Comsat Angels
Number One
Chas Jankel
One Night Love Affair
Everybody Wants To Rule The World
Tears for Fears
Summertime Girls
All She Wants to Do is Dance
It Must Be Love
You Took Advantage of Me
Carman McCrae
The Tuff Do What?
The Pleasure Seekers
The Walls Come Down
You're the Only Love
Paul Hyde and The Payolas
Standing In Line
The Textones
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It cannot be verified* that an authorised soundtrack was ever produced for sale for "Real Genius", which is a shame, since it is loaded with 80s synth-pop gems. The Comsat Angels' "I'm Falling" and Chas Jankel's "Number One" are the backing for two major montages in the film, while Bryan Adams' "One Night Love Affair" plays on when Jordan and Mitch meet at the Tanning Invitational. And of course, the movie wraps with the classic Tears for Fears' track "Everybody Wants To Rule The World", the perfect song to end this movie with.

*A Huge Thank You to Aaron Shirley for clarifying: A soundtrack was produced; I bought a copy mainly for Comsat Angels and Chaz Jankel's contributions.

Like "Ferris Bueller,""Real Genius's" soundtrack is so smart & strong it becomes another character in the film, with the perfect 80's songs to highlight each scene and the instrumental themes seamlessly weaving the story arc together. For me, 'Real Genius' is way more intelligent & fun than 'Fast Times' and its soundtrack holds up just as well. That's why it's a true travesty that no official soundtrack for this underrated '80's gem exists.

A "home made" CD of the soundtrack can be purchased online. This is of course, most likely illegal. Use our search feature but what you do with the results is nothing to do with us!Update Us

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Instrumental Score

Primary Composer(s): Thomas Newman


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1985 Tristar Pictures
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