As a fan of the 4 X-Men movies (including Wolverine) they've made to date, I'll probably see this as well. But I can't say I'm too impressed with the story or line up. Michael Fassbender and James Mcavoy are great actors, but I'd like to see the saga move forwards as opposed to another origins prequel (prequels? that's so last decade). Not a fan of the director either, we'll see how this one plays out...
Posts: 2041 | From: The Ice Planet Hoth | Registered: Jul 2001 | Site Updates: 0
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comic book movies are being done to death, and its the same thing all the time, all these marvel movies are pretty much cookie cutter.
Posts: 1605 | From: Lake Chicamocomico | Registered: Feb 2011 | Site Updates: 0
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Hiding behind the shower curtain.....
Member # 5804
I don't understand why they didn't make a sequel instead of a prequel. Halle Berry said she was dying to make another so I'm sure all of them would.
Posts: 20 | From: Austin, Texas | Registered: May 2011 | Site Updates: 0
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So far the new X-Men movie is getting very positive reviews (93% on Rotten Tomatoes and 9/10 on I for one will watch it when it hits the cinemas over here.
Professor Noms Posts: 2517 | From: Living in oblivion. Third floor up. Nice views from the window.... | Registered: May 2004 | Site Updates: 4
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quote:Originally posted by The Good Package: comic book movies are being done to death, and its the same thing all the time, all these marvel movies are pretty much cookie cutter.
Done to death, is a major understatement. Thrashed to death would be better. At least if they were going to make these films they could at least try to do the comics justice. Reading the comics and watching some of these movies just seem worlds away. I loved Spiderman comics for example but the movies sucked.
Posts: 2586 | From: Defrauding the company from abroad | Registered: Jan 2010 | Site Updates: 24
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the way they portrayed venom in the third movie was a very shameful sad thing. venom is one of my favorite marvel characters, and they get one of those fonz-a-nutes from some rinky dink fly by night tv show that was popular because nothing else was on tv. eddie brock should never be portrayed by someone name topher, what kind of name is that anyway.
Posts: 1605 | From: Lake Chicamocomico | Registered: Feb 2011 | Site Updates: 0
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.... has green eyes as well....
Member # 6575
I own the X-Men trilogy and i really like the first two movies. Haven´t seen Wolverine yet.
They want to make movies for teens so they reboot these franchises (Spider-Man, X-Men) with younger cast + the cast is much cheaper compared to new sequel with original cast.
It´s all about the mighty dollar.
Posts: 7053 | From: Finland | Registered: Feb 2008 | Site Updates: 7
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put quality into their work and they will make the dough, look at batman 89', the best comic book movie ever made in my opinion, nicholoson alone made something like 60 million.
problem is, in the current stock of actors, they are not as good as they were in previous decades.
Posts: 1605 | From: Lake Chicamocomico | Registered: Feb 2011 | Site Updates: 0
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and the writing too. there are some terrible writers out there. look at the clash of the titans remake
"dont look the b**ch in the eye"
thats what we got now. and the actor who said it, looked as though he had no business what so ever being there.
Posts: 1605 | From: Lake Chicamocomico | Registered: Feb 2011 | Site Updates: 0
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so did you guys all watch? i saw it opening weekend and i thought it was good the movie had some wonky parts in it, for me. like... Angel was annoying, i thought. it was cool to see the daughter of Lenny Kravitz and Lisa Bonet but she did a bad job, IMO. overall, it was good but i think i could have waited for the dvd.
Posts: 4807 | Registered: Oct 2002 | Site Updates: 39
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Like hell do you. In all othe rX-Men movies nobody ever directly addressed you as Magneto, you were always Erik.
Other than that I thought it was an excellent film and I really enjoyed it.
Professor N Posts: 2517 | From: Living in oblivion. Third floor up. Nice views from the window.... | Registered: May 2004 | Site Updates: 4
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quote:Originally posted by SuperEvilCupcakes: Halle Berry said she was dying to make another so I'm sure all of them would.
Halle Berry's insistence that they give her character more screen time and more money in X3 makes me glad that they have not given her a role in any new movie. I hated what they did with her in X3 personally.
X-Men: Noms Class
Posts: 2517 | From: Living in oblivion. Third floor up. Nice views from the window.... | Registered: May 2004 | Site Updates: 4
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.... has green eyes as well....
Member # 6575
Watched X-Men: First Class and while i had my doubts it turned out to be a very good film. Matthew Vaughn has to be one of the most talented new filmmakers. I´ve yet to see his first two films but this one, Kick a$$ and Kingsman are all excellent stuff.
James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender were simply amazing and this is basically their film. The Xavier & Magneto friendship revealed. Kevin Bacon did fine as Sebastian Shaw and while not all things are as they were in the comic books, i can live with it.
Posts: 7053 | From: Finland | Registered: Feb 2008 | Site Updates: 7
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