Right now Live From Daryl's House is on in the background. A few years ago I caught a concert of theirs on one of the public television stations. I was amazed by the sheer number of their songs I knew all the words to-you could NOT escape H2O in the 80's!!
Some of the ones that were faves-or knew by heart-whether I liked them or not: Did It In A Minute Everytime You Go Away I Can't Go For That Kiss On My List Maneater-Oh-oh here she comes, watch out boy she'll chew you up! Out of Touch Private Eyes-they're watching you! Rich Girl Sara Smile You Make My Dreams Come True
What can I say? They ruled the 80's!
Posts: 452 | From: California | Registered: Apr 2010 | Site Updates: 14
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And don't forget Daryl's nice solo trip with Dream Time either.
Posts: 2561 | From: Pennsylvania | Registered: Aug 2004 | Site Updates: 0
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Most successful duo of all time. Love love love Hall and Oates (wasn't a fan back in the day, though).
Posts: 3383 | From: England | Registered: May 2003 | Site Updates: 21
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I am a HUGE fan of Hall and Oates. Brilliant work.
Posts: 3614 | From: Caught Somewhere in Time.... | Registered: May 2008 | Site Updates: 101
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He's eating after dark again....
Member # 5978
I've always loved Hall and Oates as well...essential 80's. * I was going to dress up as John Oates for Halloween one time...but couldn't find a wig or fake moustache big enough! OK...I made all that up...just sayin!
Posts: 2148 | From: Nova Scotia, Canada | Registered: Aug 2007 | Site Updates: 0
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Anyone else enjoy hearing "You Make My Dreams Come True" in the movie "(500) Days of Summer"? I love when Joseph Gordon-Levitt looks in the window and sees his reflection as Han Solo!
Of course, I've always been a Joseph Gordon-Levitt fan because of "10 Things I Hate About You" and the underrated "Brick". But when he showed up in "500 Days" with those Joy Division and Clash t-shirts .. so awesome!
And Bamersy.. excellent thread once again! My fav Hall & Oates tunes are "Private Eyes", "Rich Girl", & "Sara Smile".
I respect them more now than in the 80's.. they were just overplayed back then for me. I had MTV as a kid and their videos were on constantly. But now it is sweet music to my ears to hear a Hall & Oates tune.
Got to see them for free in concert because my girlfriend when I was in college won them on the radio. It was actually a blast!
Posts: 7845 | From: Smiling and glancing in awe in the back of a limo | Registered: Mar 2003 | Site Updates: 22
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Muffy Tepperman
Leopard-print Leotard Wearer.....
Member # 1551
'You Make My Dreams' Always makes me think of Wedding Singer still..........but Valley I agree with you.....500 Days and Joesph did it well, which in all honesty I loved 500 Days....what a funny, honest, good movie!
I respect and love me some Hall & Oates! 'Everytime You Go Away' is probably one of my favs.
Posts: 2912 | Registered: Jun 2003 | Site Updates: 26
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Some things that stood out for me back then about this group are:
Adam Curry with Daryl's Hair:
What was referred to as a "porn star stache"
And this strange album cover from the mid 70's I think: I know there was a story behind it-like wanting an androgynous "Bowie"-like look. Glad they didn't stick with that one Posts: 452 | From: California | Registered: Apr 2010 | Site Updates: 14
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I think of Wedding Singer too-when Julia's looking at wedding dresses "What I want, you've got But it might be hard to handle Like the flame that burns the candle
Haven't seen 500 Days-by love Joseph Gordon-Levitt in The Lookout and as Buddy from That 70's Show.
"One on One" I didn't mention on purpose-there was a movie with Robbie Benson and Annette O'Toole that I just couldn't stand with that title.
Posts: 452 | From: California | Registered: Apr 2010 | Site Updates: 14
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I wait until I'm on the freeway with the windows up before I turn on "One On One" and "Wait For Me" and sing along at the top of my lungs. I prefer the freeway when I'm singing alone in the car because on surface streets I have to stop for red lights, and then I have to stop singing or else the people in the cars next to me will laugh.
I'm convinced I have those songs down though, so how bad could I sound?
Posts: 929 | From: Deb to Tone | Registered: Dec 2004 | Site Updates: 37
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quote:Originally posted by Secret Admirer: Embarrassing admission time!
I wait until I'm on the freeway with the windows up before I turn on "One On One" and "Wait For Me" and sing along at the top of my lungs. I prefer the freeway when I'm singing alone in the car because on surface streets I have to stop for red lights, and then I have to stop singing or else the people in the cars next to me will laugh.
this is so me. when i travel, i love to sing. and i too, wait until i am on the highway.
valley, i love 500 days of summer and i am a big JGL fan as well. have you seen him in a movie called Manic? zooey deschanel was also in that one with him. very intense movie though.
i bought the 500 days blu-ray for only $12.00. and everytime i hear you make my dreams, i have to picture JGL doing that dance where he throws his arms down, and snaps. great movie. Posts: 4807 | Registered: Oct 2002 | Site Updates: 39
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I had a feeling I wasn't the only one, Ronnie
I haven't seen Manic before, so I'll check that out.
Bamersy mentioned "Live From Daryl's House", a fun webisode thing Daryl Hall does on his website. He invites other artists to come over and play their songs and H&O songs at his home studio. Here's a good episode with a pretty cool newer band called Neon Trees - 929 | From: Deb to Tone | Registered: Dec 2004 | Site Updates: 37
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quote:Not for nothing but One on One with Rob Benson is one of the great basketball movies of all time.
Ok: Bam-Bam hates it; Devo likes it; I've never seen it - what's the deal? Does this movie suck or not?
Posts: 3383 | From: England | Registered: May 2003 | Site Updates: 21
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Originally posted by logan5: Does this movie suck or not?
I had a very love/hate relationship with Robby in the late 70's. Loved Ice Castles, was very confused by Ode to Billy Joe and was not an Annette O'Toole fan-probably saw it in the days of HBO playing the same movies to death. Have always associated the H&O song with the film.
Posts: 452 | From: California | Registered: Apr 2010 | Site Updates: 14
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quote:I had a very love/hate relationship with Robby in the late 70's. Loved Ice Castles, was very confused by Ode to Billy Joe and was not an Annette O'Toole fan-probably saw it in the days of HBO playing the same movies to death. Have always associated the H&O song with the film.
Good explanation. I like Annette O'Toole, but like you I have something of a love / hate thing for Robby (not sexually). This makes me want to see the movie even more.
Posts: 3383 | From: England | Registered: May 2003 | Site Updates: 21
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Lovers with Cassie
Remembering when Mel Gibson was young....
Member # 7794
No particular reason why - I just think there were many many thousands of better artists of all genres, and they were possibly a bit of a throwback to the easy-listening 1970's music - their stuff was just too bland to stir any interest whatsoever.
Posts: 3646 | From: Shermer, IL - where else? | Registered: Mar 2001 | Site Updates: 37
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I'm in cahoots with Paul here. I will admit to bouncing along a time or two with songs like "Private Eye" or "Out of Touch" when they played on radio or MTV or something when I was younger. But, their music just wasn't edgy enough to have any real staying power with me.
Posts: 1802 | From: Planet Druidia | Registered: Jan 2009 | Site Updates: 3
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There was a great Hall and Oates mashup on Glee the other night, it was dizzy stuff!
Posts: 3839 | From: Wangaratta, Vic, Australia | Registered: Jun 2004 | Site Updates: 0
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I love Hall & Oates! My favorite songs by them are: You Make My Dreams Come True, and Maneater.
Posts: 232 | From: United Kingdom | Registered: Apr 2015 | Site Updates: 0
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They're terrific, Hall & Oates, one of the greatest duos of all time. And I just loved the little homage with the Hall & Oates cover band called Adult Education in "She's Out of My League." Hilarious.
Posts: 2008 | From: Dixieland | Registered: Oct 2008 | Site Updates: 0
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