Creepshow 2 Movie Trivia

Creepshow 2 Trivia

When the curtain goes up, the terror begins.
Creepshow 2 Picture
Old Chief Wood'nhead

Totally Trivia

Film facts for the 1987 Horror / Occult movie starring George Kennedy, Lois Chiles, Dorothy Lamour, Holt McCallany

Paige Hannah, Kaltey Napoleon, Jeremy Green, Stephen King, Domenick John, Tom Savini, Philip Dore, Maltby Napoleon, Tyrone Tonto, Frank Salsedo, David Holbrook, Don Harvey, Dan Kamin, Dean Smith, Shirley Sonderegger, Paul Satterfield (II), Daniel Beer, Page Hannah Update Cast

We believe the following trivia is all legit. If it's bogus or you have additional info, please update us.

Rewind Archive
Stephen King appears in "the hitchhiker" as the truck driver who ignites the flare at the scene of the accident.
Thanks to Todd Mckean
"The Raft" is adapted from a short story in the Stephen King book "Skeleton Crew".
Thanks to Curt
Gore Make-up King, Tom Savini, plays The Creep at the start of the movie and then at the end.
Thanks to Mazie
Page Hannah, who plays Rachel in "The Raft" is the sister of Daryl Hannah and is also married to producer/director Lou Adler.
Thanks to Mel
Page Hannah, who plays Rachel in "The Raft" can also be seen in "Shag" as Luanne Clatterback.
Thanks to J.C
David Holbrook who stars in Creepshow 2 is the son of Hal Holbrook star of the Crate episode of the original "Creepshow"
Thanks to David Evans
The "Hitchhiker" who torments former Bond Girl Lois Chiles was played by Tom Wright, who is best known as George Costanza's Yankee co-worker Mr. Morgan, who George believes bears an uncanny resemblance to boxer Sugar Ray Leonard.

Bogus Trivia

There's often fake stuff floating round, y'know? -Like the 'ghost boy' that can allegedly be seen in "Three Men And A Baby".

But, nothing bogus that we know yet for "Creepshow 2".
Next: Behind The Scenes
1987 New World Pictures
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