Repo Man Soundtrack

Repo Man Soundtrack


Vocal Song Tracks

Repo Man featured the following songs:

Click/tap highlighted track names for full Soundtrack release info
Artists are linked if they appear in other featured movies.


Iggy Pop; The Circle Jerks; Black Flag - very PUNK.Update Us

Song Trivia

Rewind Archive
The song which the Circle Jerks are playing in the club scene is called "When the sh*t hits the fan". Only it's a really folksy, lounge version done acoustically. The original version is much harder and faster, and it was first released on the "Golden Shower of Hits" LP in 1983.
Thanks to Jake Sprecher
The song which Otto sings while sitting on the curb near dusk is "TV Party," by Black Flag. "Don't care about anything, we don't wanna know. We're gonna miss, our favorite shows..."
Iggy Pop sings the title song over the opening credits. Whilst Iggy did the vocals, the band was made up of Steve Jones from the Sex Pistols, Nigel Harrisson & Clem Burk of Blondie.

Iggy read the script in advance and included some of the material in the lyrics. Musically, Iggy wanted the song to be like a Batman or Peter Gunn theme.

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Instrumental Score

Primary Composer(s): Steven Hufsteter


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1984 Edge City / Universal
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