License To Drive Soundtrack

License To Drive Soundtrack


Vocal Song Tracks

License To Drive featured the following songs:

Click/tap highlighted track names for full Soundtrack release info
Artists are linked if they appear in other featured movies.

The Breakfast Club
Jonathan Butler
DJ Jazzy Jeff & the Fresh Prince
Femme Fatale
Slave Raider
Rush Hour
Waiting For The Big One
Femme Fatale
Mercedes Boy
That's Life
Strangers In The Night
New Sensation
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Classic pap 80's movie music is omnipresent throughout the two Corey's adventures but the soundtrack is not particularly memorable.

The soundtrack was once available on MCA Records and was even released on CD, but hasn't been available for some time.

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Song Trivia

Thanks to Anonymous
Two popular songs used in this movie are "Mercedes Boy" by Pebbles and "Get Outta My Dreams (And Into My Car)" by artist Billy Ocean (ending song).
Thanks to kevin
Two of the most popular songs of the time don't even appear on the motion picture soundtrack! the songs 'Trouble' by Nia Peeples and 'Mercedes Boy' by Pebbles. Also, in an alternate version of the movie the song 'Trouble' is thrown out and replaced by Inxs's 'New Sensation'.

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Instrumental Score

Primary Composer(s): Jay Ferguson


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1988 20th Century Fox
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