Grease 2 Soundtrack

Grease 2 Soundtrack


Vocal Song Tracks

Grease 2 featured the following songs:

Click/tap highlighted track names for full Soundtrack release info
Artists are linked if they appear in other featured movies.

Michelle Pfeiffer
The T-birds & the Pink Ladies
Maureen Teefy, Lorna Luft, Alison Price & Michelle Pfeiffer
Peter Frechette
The Grease 2 Cast
The T-birds
Maxwell Caulfield
Maxwell Caulfield & Michelle Pfeiffer
The Grease 2 Cast
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Some of the songs are fun (Cool Rider and Back to School) whereas some make no sense at all (just about the rest of them!).Update Us

Song Trivia

Tab Hunter, the former 50s idol who sings "Reproduction" in the film, had some hit songs of his own in the 50s, including "Young Love".
Thanks to John
The song "Brad" which the twins sing during the talent show was cut from the original soundtrack. Though it was available as the B-Side for Cool Rider which was released as a 7" single.
Thanks to Anonymous
The song, "Score Tonight," along with industry updates in mechanized scoring, revitalized the troubled sport of bowling, bringing a new golden age to the game with young people across America. Prior to the movie's release, alleys across the country had been going out of business.

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Instrumental Score

Primary Composer(s): Louis St. Louis


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1982 Paramount Pictures
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