Disorderlies Soundtrack

Disorderlies Soundtrack


Vocal Song Tracks

Disorderlies featured the following songs:

Click/tap highlighted track names for full Soundtrack release info
Artists are linked if they appear in other featured movies.


This soundtrack is a really cute one, especially if you're a fan of 80's hiphop or 80's pop in general. It's a mixture of some well-known artists and some lesser known artists, but nevertheless it's a great CD to play to bring you to the 80's and all it's glory.Update Us

Song Trivia

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Even though it's not featured on the soundtrack, in the film, The Fat Boys sing "Wipe Out" with The Beach Boys.
Thanks to Veronica West
Another song used in the movie, but also not featured on the original soundtrack is "Rock Ruling" by The Fat Boys.

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Instrumental Score

Primary Composer(s): Anne Dudley


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1987 Warner Bros.
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