Can they be stopped?
Go behind the scenes on the 1982 Horror / Occult movie starring Bruce Campbell, Ellen Sandweiss, Betsy Baker, Theresa Tilly
Philip A. Gillis, Dorothy Tapert, Cheryl Guttridge, Barbara Carey, David Horton, Wendall Thomas, Don Long, Stu Smith, Kurt Rauf, Ted Raimi, Ivan Raimi, Bill Vincent, Mary Beth Tapert, Scott Spiegel, John Cameron, Joanne Kruse, Gwen Cochanski, Debie Jarczewski Update Cast
We believe the following info is all legit. If it's bogus or you have additional info, please update us.
Thanks to evilash
Total budget for the film was allegedly less than $90,000 supplied by individual investors, mainly doctors and dentists from Detroit. The investors have since made their money back many times over. Sam Raimi shot a small 30 minute film called Within the Woods starring Bruce Campbell and Ellen Sandweis to show to the investors to prove they were capable of making a horror movie. It worked and they got the money!Thanks to Joe Gariffo
When Bruce Campbell and the other actors are sitting around listening to the tape, the script suggested them to be smoking something other than tobacco. So they thought they would actually do it for real in the movie, but after they filmed it they were so utterly confused, the footage was worthless and they had to re-shoot the whole scene!Rewind Archive
The voice of the professor on the tape recording is that of American Movie Classics host Bob Dorian.Rewind Archive
After completing principal photography in the winter of 1979-1980, most of the actors left the production. However, there was still much of the film to be completed. Most of the second half of the film features Bruce Campbell and various stand-ins (or "shemps") to replace the actors who left.Rewind Archive
Creamed corn dyed green was used as zombie guts. Raimi has his own recipe for blood: Kayo Syrup (treacle), red food colouring and water, with instant coffee mixed in for texture and thickness.Thanks to Brian
In the scene where Evil Linda is being beaten by Ash, she is actually being beaten by Bruce Campbell and Sam Raimi by what they call "It's Murder!" beams (used in their old Super - 8 films).Thanks to Brian
In several of the scenes in Evil Dead, you might hear an eerie wind noise. This was a real wind noise. While Sam Raimi was sleeping one night, he heard the wind through his window. He went and woke up the sound guy and made him record it.Thanks to Brian
The contact lenses used by most of the cast were actually pretty hellish for them. They covered half of the eye and had to be taken out every 15 minutes to let the eye breathe.Thanks to Frank
Contrary to popular belief, the last scene in the movie (the camera roaming through the woods, through the house, and up to Bruce) was not filmed using a motorcycle. It was just Sam Raimi running with the camera. Sorry folks. Somewhere along the line, a rumor came up that Sam mounted the camera onto a motorcycle and drove full throttle towards Bruce. Amused by this idea, they decided to lie about it and confirm it to be true. It soon escalated to "the last door not opening and Sam's face planting tampered wood" and "Sam crashed into Bruce and knocked out a few teeth." During the commentary in the Evil Dead DVD, although Bruce refuses to confirm nor deny the rumor, he says "Sam is running with the camera" before hand.Thanks to Markus
You have to listen very closely during the incantation. If you do so, you can hear the words: "Sam and Rob are the hitchhikers on the road." This is refering to one scene in the beginning, when the old Delta passes the two guys, waving at the car.By the way: Sam Raimi and Rob Tapert did cut each others hair for that scene. Got that from the Directors Commentary, folks!
Thanks to Chris Carter / Markus
The cellar in both of the Evil dead movies wasn't actually underneath the cabin - a hole was dug and a hatch placed over it. The actual cellar was in a farm belonging to the parents of one of the filmmakers.In fact - if you get the chance to catch a glimpse at "Within The Woods" and you compare the cellars from that one to "The Evil Dead", you will soon notice, that itīs the same one.
By the way: Watch the scene after Ash had the episode in the cellar and he is stepping up the stairs - you can see, that there is actually no trap door, but a normal one.
Next Section: Deleted Scenes
Deleted Scenes
There are often scenes cut from the final version of a movie. Sometimes these will have been seen by preview audiences, or be included in Blu-ray or DVD extras etc.
The following missing scenes from The Evil Dead are believed legit. If you disagree or have additional info, please update us.Thanks to Erik
There was a scene in which Ash is chopping wood at night outside the cabin. It was shot by the crew as a prank on dead tired Bruce Campbell.There wasn't such a scene in the script! But Sam and Rob were very picky and kept correcting Bruce and doing takes for about 45 minutes. They had a big laugh, and tried to keep the scene in the film for the longest time.
Next Section: Alternate Versions
Alternate Versions
Sometimes, there will be several versions of a movie floating about on cable, tv or video etc. Other times, a Director may release a special cut of the movie on Blu-ray or DVD.
Aw, man.. We don't know of any alternate versions of "The Evil Dead". If you know better, please add one for others to enjoy. It's quick & easy
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1982 New Line Cinema
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