Locations Notes
Rewind the locations where they filmed the 1989 Romantic Comedy movie starring Corey Feldman, Corey Haim, Jason Robards, Meredith Salenger
Piper Laurie, Harry Dean Stanton, William McNamara, Ria Pavia, Lala Sloatman, Laura Lee Norton, John Ward, Matt Adler, Josh Evans, Jody Smith, Kent Faulcon, Victoria Jackson, Russell Livingstone, Mickey Thomas, Fran Taylor, Susan Blakely, John Grissom, John Ford Coley Update Cast
Dream A little Dream Filming Locations:
These scenes were actually shot at New Hanover High School, located in Wilmington, North Carolina. Google Map
The filmmakers chose Wilmington, North Carolina for filming the movie because they felt that the story should take place in a small town setting. They chose Wilmington for it's 'storybook' look and thought that the house chosen for the Ettinger's would be perfect to portray a small-town American home.
The brick patio behind 1705 Princess St. was used in one scene where Harry Dean Stanton is talking to Corey Feldman.
There is also a scene filmed at the front entrance to the same house. [Thanks to W. Frank Ainsley]
The restaurant where Coleman ate at is located on the waterfront in downtown Wilmington. The USS North Carolina is blurred in scenes with Corey Feldman and Meredith Salenger when they were on the waterfront.[Thanks to Robert Dean]
The school used in the movie was New Hanover High in Wilmington.
The Coleman house is located at the corner of princess st and N. 14th st in Wilmington just behind the school. [Thanks to Dee83]
Other locations used were Roy's River Boat Landing (the cafe Coleman and Gena frequent), the alley behind this restaraunt was used as the setting for The Bridge (the place where the climactic end scenes between Joel, Dumas, Bobby, etc take place) and Thalian Hall was where the opening and closing scenes of the film were filmed.
The house that was used as the home of Coleman is located very near to the school, on one of the streets to left going away from the school. The alley way used for the scenes walking to school is at the house also. The high school is located on highway 17 going north away from downtown. [Thanks to Robert Dean]
The director also wanted to film the actors walking around the Wilmington neighborhoods often to give the movie a stronger sense of time and place.
Watch Garrett's 32nd anniversary then/now tour of some of the locations Part 1 and Part 2 [Ed]
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