Big Trouble In Little China Movie Filming Locations

Big Trouble In Little China Locations

It's all in the reflexes...

Locations Notes

Rewind the locations where they filmed the 1986 Martial Arts movie starring Kurt Russell, Kim Cattrall, Dennis Dun, James Hong

Victor Wong (III), Kate Burton, Chao Li Chi, Jade Go, Jerry Hardin, Jeff Imada, Peter Kwong, Donald Li, June Kyoto Lu, Rummel Mor, Craig Ng, Suzee Pai, James Pax, Noel Toy, Carter Wong Update Cast

Locations Manager(s): John Bush, Steven Shkolnik

Big Trouble In Little China Filming Locations:

Rewind Archive
Wanna see the real life filming location used for The street fight alley in the movie?

These scenes were actually shot at St. Louis Alley, located in San Fransisco, N. California. Google Map

Though the outdoor sets look real, 90 percent of them were actually built on Fox sound stages, including Chinatown. They featured location above is the real alleyway that they turned into.

The street fight was actually filmed on a set. That same set was later used in music videos from such artists as Michael Jackson and Janet Jackson. [Thanks to Lisa]

The scenes where Jack is driving Wang to/from the airport were filmed on the "280 Extension", a short length of interstate that runs along the China Basin section of San Francisco from highway 101 north to the south of Market area. This portion of freeway had only been completed about a year at the time of shooting and would rarely experience much traffic. [Thanks to Mike D]

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Locations Links

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LX Preview

LX is our radical new locations feature that we've been beavering away on.. For years!

Each location will have it's own page with then/now pictures, maps, StreetView, discovery story and the most detailed explanations on how the location was used. Most importantly, the locations will have a status that shows whether they are verified correct and by whom. We are working with the actual locations managers or other crew where possible. The whole thing will be very interactive and you will, of course, be able to update everything.

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1986 20th Century Fox
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