The Untouchables Movie Goofs / Mistakes

The Untouchables Goofs

Al Capone ruled Chicago. No one could stop him until Eliot Ness swore he'd bring him down.
The Untouchables Picture
Meeting on the bridge...


"Er, someone wasn't on top of their game that day..."
See the goofs, blunders and plain ole mistakes in the 1987 Action / Adventure movie starring Kevin Costner, Charles Martin Smith, Sean Connery, Robert De Niro

Andy Garcia, Richard Bradford, Jack Kehoe, Brad Sullivan, Billy Drago, Patricia Clarkson, Vito D'Ambrosio, Steven Goldstein, Peter Aylward, Don Harvey, Robert Swan, John J. Walsh, Del Close, Colleen Bade Update Cast

We believe the following are all legit mistakes. If we've bungled it, or you have additional info, please update us.

Thanks to Michael Haxton
In one scene Eliott Ness is in a warehouse with crates of illegal Canadian Whisky. The crates have the red maple leaf on them. The current Canadian Flag, with the red maple leaf, was not brought into existence until 1964.
Thanks to Jim
When Kevin Costner goes to see Sean Connery at his apartment to ask for help when he opens the door to Costner, Sean Connery's top button on his shirt is done up but later on in the room it comes undone and done up and then undone again oops!
Thanks to Brian B.
In numerous scenes, the municipal flag of the City of Chicago is shown as having four stars. The fourth star on the flag, was not added until 1933, 3 years after the movie's 1930 time frame.
Thanks to Mike Scott
In the movie, Frank Nitti dies by falling from a roof top after battling Elliot Ness. In reality, Nitti didn't die until several years later. He became the "front man" for the Chicago Outfit in 1932 after Al Capone went to prison for Tax Evasion but committed suicide while under indictment in 1943.

Bogus Blunders

Sometimes an apparent goof is not a real mistake

But, nothing bogus that we know yet for "The Untouchables".
Next: Some Extra Goodies
1987 Paramount Studios
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