Ghost Writer Movie Trivia

Ghost Writer Trivia

She's having the time of her life after her death.

Totally Trivia

Film facts for the 1989 Comedy movie starring Audrey Landers, John Matuszak, David Doyle, George 'Buck' Flower

Pedro Gonzalez Gonzalez, Joey Travolta, Jeff Conaway, Judy Landers, Jery Tyminski, Martin Madden, Jim Crawford, Anthony Franciosa, Peter Paul, David Paul Update Cast

We believe the following trivia is all legit. If it's bogus or you have additional info, please update us.

Rewind Archive
Judy Landers and Audrey Landers are sisters in true life.
Rewind Archive
John Matuszac has a guest appearance as a famous athelete.
Rewind Archive
Audery Landers is most famous for the role of 'Afton Cooper' in the hit TV show "Dallas".

Bogus Trivia

There's often fake stuff floating round, y'know? -Like the 'ghost boy' that can allegedly be seen in "Three Men And A Baby".

But, nothing bogus that we know yet for "Ghost Writer".
Next: Behind The Scenes
1989 Prism Entertainment
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