The Exterminator Movie Filming Locations

The Exterminator Locations

If You're Lying... I'll Be Back.

Locations Notes

Rewind the locations where they filmed the 1980 Action / Adventure movie starring Christopher George, Samantha Eggar, Robert Ginty, Steve James

Tony DiBenedetto, Dick Boccelli, Patrick Farrelly (II), Michele Harrell, David Lipman, Cindy Wilks, Dennis Boutsikaris, Roger Grimsby, Judy Licht, Stan Getz, George Cheung, Phil Chong, Bill Saito, Kenny Endoso, John Halik, Kirk Dangler Update Cast

Locations Manager(s): Nan L. Bernstein

The Exterminator Filming Locations:

The opening Vietnam scenes were shot at Indian Dunes, the former 200-acre movie and television location just north of Six Flags Magic Mountain that often stood in for Vietnam before ceasing to be used as a location in 1990. This location was often used because it lay within the "30-mile zone" from Hollywood which saved producers the cost of providing transportation and accommodations for the actors and crew. Also, nighttime scenes could be filmed without city lights showing in the background. Sadly, it also has a tragic history, it being the site of the fatal helicopter accident in 1982 during production of "Twilight Zone: The Movie" that caused the death of veteran actor Vic Morrow and two child actors. The last production to use the location was Disney's "The Rocketeer."

We also see several New York locations including Times Square & Battery Park in Manhattan.

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1980 Interstar Corporation
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