Zapped! Soundtrack

Zapped! Soundtrack

AKA: The Wiz Kid

Vocal Song Tracks

Zapped! featured the following songs:

Click/tap highlighted track names for full Soundtrack release info
Artists are linked if they appear in other featured movies.


With almost all of the songs featured on the soundtrack composed by Charles Fox, who also did the score, the movie boasts a wide range of artists including David Pomeranz’s ‘Got To Believe In Magic’ and ‘King and Queen of Hearts’, it’s pretty decent.

Other artist appearing are Plain Jane, The Twisters (who perform at the prom) and Joe ‘You’re The Best Around’ Esposito. Which means that there’s a catchy song for everyone – particularly ‘Trying To Kill A Saturday Night’ – which is played as the opening credits roll.Update Us

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Instrumental Score

Primary Composer(s): Charles Fox


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1982 Embassy Pictures
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