This Is Spinal Tap Soundtrack

This Is Spinal Tap Soundtrack


Vocal Song Tracks

This Is Spinal Tap featured the following songs:

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The actors are all competent musicians and the soundtrack is actually them playing.
Thanks to DrSlinky
McKean, Shearer, and Guest got together in 1992, and released a new Spinal Tap album, titled "Break Like the Wind." It's just a cheesy and tasteless as you'd expect from Spinal Tap, featuring the songs "Break Like the Wind" and "Christmas With the Devil."
Thanks to adam rebelius
Musically, the band "Spinal Tap" is a mixture of British hard rock and heavy metal bands that existed in the late sixties and carried on to the early eighties. Two examples that come to mind are the middle eight in the song "Stonehenge" which is a parody of Aqualung era Jethro Tull while the middle eight of "Rock and roll creation" is a parody of the middle eight of Deep Purple's "Woman from Tokyo'. The Thamesmen scene is a parody of Briain's answer to American Bandstand called "Ready, Steady Go' And the band plays loving tribute simultaniously to the Animals, The Rolling Stones and the Yardbirds. It is my opinion that the song "Listen to the Flower People" Is a parody of the Troggs "Love is all Around" while "Cups and Cakes" Parodies the Rolling Stones'Ruby Tuesday" Also of note is that Marcia Strassman has a cameo appearance in the "Flower People" scene. Believe it or not in the sixties, she cut a single called "Listen to the Flower Children".

In conclusion, some have said that Spinal Tap was a parody of Iron Maiden, While someone else belived it was a parody of Saxon, but anyone who really know their history of British rock will immediatly recognise that the band they are really parodying is Status Quo who actually broke up one year before the film was made.

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Instrumental Score

Primary Composer(s): Unknown - Please Update Us


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1984 Embassy Pictures Corporation
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