Ghostbusters II Soundtrack

Ghostbusters II Soundtrack


Vocal Song Tracks

Ghostbusters II featured the following songs:

Click/tap highlighted track names for full Soundtrack release info
Artists are linked if they appear in other featured movies.


Besides Bobby Brown's hit "Own Our Own," the soundtrack also includes songs from ex-Eagles member Glenn Frey, music legend Elton John, rap stars RUN-D.M.C. (who perform a rap version of Ray Parker Jr.'s hit song), Oingo Boingo (who said Danny Elfman would never touch anything related to Ghostbusters?!?), and many other R&B artists.

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Song Trivia

Thanks to Amy Green
The film's song "Love is a Cannibal", written and performed by Elton John, can be found on the remastered version of his album, "Sleeping With the Past", as one of the bonus tracks.

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Instrumental Score

Primary Composer(s): Randy Edelman


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1989 Columbia Pictures
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