Teen Wolf Too Movie Filming Locations

Teen Wolf Too Locations

High School was easy... but college is a whole different ANIMAL!

Locations Notes

Rewind the locations where they filmed the 1987 Comedy movie starring Jason Bateman, John Astin, Kim Darby, Mark Holton

Paul Sand, James Hampton, Estee Chandler, Stuart Fratkin, Robert Neary, Beth Miller (II), Rachel Sharp, David Burton (II), William H. Burton, Kathleen Freeman, Eric Matthew, D.A. Matzke, Marty Denkin, Patrick McCord, Kevin Kaye Update Cast

Locations Manager(s): Unknown Update

Teen Wolf Too Filming Locations:

Despite the Colorado license plates seen in the movie, it was filmed in Southern California, like its predecessor.

Teen Wolf Too was filmed at Pomona College in Claremont, CA- my school yippee!

The "library" in the film is actually the school's dining hall- complete with famous mural from Jose Orozco of Prometheus.

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Locations Links

If you know of a good link for Teen Wolf Too locations, please let us know.

LX Preview

LX is our radical new locations feature that we've been beavering away on.. For years!

Each location will have it's own page with then/now pictures, maps, StreetView, discovery story and the most detailed explanations on how the location was used. Most importantly, the locations will have a status that shows whether they are verified correct and by whom. We are working with the actual locations managers or other crew where possible. The whole thing will be very interactive and you will, of course, be able to update everything.

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1987 Atlantic Motion Pictures
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