Fresh Horses Movie Filming Locations

Fresh Horses Locations

Love doesn't have to last a lifetime.
Fresh Horses Picture

Locations Notes

Rewind the locations where they filmed the 1988 Drama movie starring Molly Ringwald, Andrew McCarthy, Patti D'Arbanville, Ben Stiller

Leon Russom, Molly Hagan, Viggo Mortensen, Doug Hutchison, Chiara Peacock, Marita Geraghty, Rachel Jones, Welker White, Christy Budig, Larry Ketron, Ken Strunk, William Youmans, Richard Clayton Woods, Kent Poole, Dan Davis, Barry J. Williams, Carol Schneider, Joan MacIntosh, Sheri Morton-Stearn, K.C. Jones, Jacqueline Verdeven Update Cast

Locations Manager(s): Ryan Rosenberg

Fresh Horses Filming Locations:

City scenes were filmed in Cincinnati, Ohio.

Many of the rural scenes were filmed around Alexandria, Boone County and Campbell County in Kentucky.

The ice-skating scene at the end was filmed at Kings Island Theme Park - 4688 Kings Island Drive, Mason, Ohio, USA.

I would have imaginged that the wooden rollercoaster seen earlier in the movie was filmed there too. But Jesse kindly wrote in to say that the wooden rollercoaster that Andrew McCarthy is walking on was called the "Screechin' Eagle". It was located at an amusement park called "Americana" or "LeSourdsville Lake" in Monroe Ohio. This appears to have also been used for the scene walking round the lake before he gives her the scarf. Thanks to Randy who wrote in to say that today the "Screechin Eagle" still stands, sadly, however, the park has been closed for some time and the coaster is in pretty bad shape. The lake at Americana has also been drained and is now nothing but an empty piece of land.

The barn horse scene is Derby Shire in Camp Dennison, OH still in use. [Thanks to Anonymous]

...And just where was that abandoned railroad shack? It was probably built just for the movie... But where?

Can you help? Please Update This

Locations Links

If you know of a good link for Fresh Horses locations, please let us know.

Next Section: LX Preview

LX Preview

LX is our radical new locations feature that we've been beavering away on.. For years!

Each location will have it's own page with then/now pictures, maps, StreetView, discovery story and the most detailed explanations on how the location was used. Most importantly, the locations will have a status that shows whether they are verified correct and by whom. We are working with the actual locations managers or other crew where possible. The whole thing will be very interactive and you will, of course, be able to update everything.

We are pleased to be able to bring you a sneak peek at what LX locations will be available for Fresh Horses upon release:

The Meeting House
The Rollercoaster
The Railway Shack
The Boat House
Ice Skating Finale
The Pool Party House
Green's House / Farm
Alice's House
Talking On The Steps
Tailgate Picnic
The "Spare-Time" Diner
The Restaurant
White Castle Burgers
Lawyer Cousin's House
Matt's House
Opening Credits
Horse Riding Scene

Preview Icon Key:

Verified Correct
Probably Correct
Probably Wrong

Please Note: The status of some entries in this preview may be wrong because they are in-progress or need updating before release.

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1988 Weintraub Entertainment Group
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