[ 03. April 2009, 12:56: Message edited by: KING 80'S ]
Posted by harry2 (Member # 7645) on :
The Satanic Rites Of Dracula. Lee, Cushing and Joanna Lumley. Underrated in my opinion but looks dated now.
Posted by harry2 (Member # 7645) on :
Surely Christine was made in the 80's ? One of John Carpenter's better films though.
Posted by pettyfan (Member # 2260) on :
Let's Scare Jessica to Death--let's not bother watching it again. Posted by harry2 (Member # 7645) on :
The Wicker Man was on again last evening in the UK. One of the greatest films ever. Catch the restored long version on DVD for a real treat.
Posted by SPELLBINDER (Member # 7901) on :
Dr. Phibes
Posted by saturnchick (Member # 7524) on :
Just watched Burnt Offerings. It was on cable yesterday.
Posted by Princess Pooh (Member # 5798) on :
Just watched: The Little Girl Who Lives Down The Lane. Haven't seen it for years. Great stuff.
Posted by pettyfan (Member # 2260) on :
Damien: Omen 2. Creepy kid.
Posted by LoverswithCassie (Member # 7794) on :
Deadly Strangers. The concluding twist is as memorable as it is downright shocking.
Posted by aTomiK (Member # 6575) on :
Dracula (1979)
- Nice late 70s vampire flick directed by John Badham. Frank Langella sure is a different kind of Dracula.
Posted by LoverswithCassie (Member # 7794) on :
Madhouse. Another Vincent Price film: in this he is teamed up with Peter Cushing. Television interviewer Michael Parkinson makes an appearance as effectively himself.
[ 06. August 2009, 03:18: Message edited by: LoverswithCassie ]
Posted by LoverswithCassie (Member # 7794) on :
Shock Waves. Peter Cushing again with another horror film veteran, John Carradine.
Posted by LoverswithCassie (Member # 7794) on :
Thirst. An uncanny, startling Australian film.
Posted by LoverswithCassie (Member # 7794) on :
The Beast Must Die. Yet another Peter Cushing film. This occasion it is a werewolf picture with different twists.
Posted by pettyfan (Member # 2260) on :
Amityville Horror
Posted by buffalo-girl (Member # 7498) on :
not sure what year these movies are from but i ordered a stephen king dvd from ebay yesterday with 3 movies on it the shining, shawshank redemption, and nightmares and dreamscapes the shining is my favorite from mr. king so i had to have it on dvd!
Posted by Charlie Sheen (Member # 8202) on :
The Wicker Man.
Next 70's horror film I'm going to watch? Found out today my local indy cinema will soon be showing Dracula AD 1972, hopefully with a presentation by Kim Newman (he of DVD special features fame). I'm not missing that.
Posted by LoverswithCassie (Member # 7794) on :
Asylum. A quartet of stories that revolve round four mental patients in a mental asylum.
Posted by LoverswithCassie (Member # 7794) on :
Horror Express. Still another Peter Cushing film, one of in which he co-starred with Christopher Lee, with whom he was very good friends in real life.
Posted by LoverswithCassie (Member # 7794) on :
The Creeping Flesh. Yet another film in which Peter Cushing and Christopher Lee are cast together, in this instance as half-siblings.
Posted by LoverswithCassie (Member # 7794) on :
Piranha. A picture with as many chills as laughs.
Posted by aTomiK (Member # 6575) on :
The Last House on the Left (1972)
- First time for me. Very disturbing flick. Next: the remake...
Posted by LoverswithCassie (Member # 7794) on :
quote:Originally posted by aTomiK: The Last House on the Left (1972)
- First time for me. Very disturbing flick. Next: the remake...
Hey, aTomik, did you know that "The Last House on the Left" is in fact itself a remake or more rather a plagiarisation of "The Virgin Spring", Ingmar Bergman's film in which a trio of vagrants rape-murder a deeply religious young woman only to be killed in revenge by her father, Max Von Sydow? I read moreover on the film's IMDb entry that it was banned in Finland on release!
Posted by aTomiK (Member # 6575) on :
Yeah, i watched the dvd extras and Wes Craven said that it was indeed a remake (kind of).
I think that they didn´t even try to release it here back in the day. They knew that it was going to be banned.
Luckily we have new rules now and the dvd was released in 2005.
Posted by LoverswithCassie (Member # 7794) on :
The Changeling. A haunted house picture involving a bereaved composer and a child's ghost.
Posted by jdtillot@yahoo.com (Member # 8455) on :
I just saw "Sssss" for the first time. Cheesy, but fun. My wife saw it as a kid and it still freaked her out to see Dirk Benedict (Face from "The A-Team" and Starbuck from "Battlestar Gallactica") turn into a human snake. If you're into 70s horror chic, check this one out.
Posted by LoverswithCassie (Member # 7794) on :
The Uncanny. A trilogy of tales concerning cats along with revenge.
Posted by J2ME (Member # 5728) on :
Grizzly. Staff of a national park try to stop a gigantic grizzly bear from running amok.
Posted by pettyfan (Member # 2260) on :
Black Christmas--I hated it!! I thought the remake was soooo much better. At least it was more entertaining.
Posted by harry2 (Member # 7645) on :
This is THE original in it's genre. Bob Clark went on to make the brilliant Murder By Decree and the the first two Porky's films. Also the first victim shares her name with my wife, Claire Harrison.
Posted by harry2 (Member # 7645) on :
The Omen Pentology - Five films, loads of documentaries and commentaries - £8. One of the best series ever.
Posted by pettyfan (Member # 2260) on :
Magic--pretty good, after it got started.
Posted by harry2 (Member # 7645) on :
Audrey Rose. Anthony Hopkins stars in a film about the reincarnation of his dead daughter. Well worth a watch from 1976.
Posted by amaranth (Member # 8882) on :
The new york ripper weird low budget nonsense
Late night trains aka midnight trains sick low budget once again nonsense
Posted by amaranth (Member # 8882) on :
the above films plus more nastys available on the shameless colection
Posted by Lovers with Cassie (Member # 7794) on :
Suspiria. An American ballet student ascertains that a dance academy is a front for a witches' coven.
Posted by Lovers with Cassie (Member # 7794) on :
The Abominable Dr. Phibes. A deranged doctor exacts revenge against physicans he believes are responsible for his wife's death.
Posted by Lovers with Cassie (Member # 7794) on :
Patrick. A comotose patient with psychokinetic powers wreaks havoc in a private hospital.
Posted by harry2 (Member # 7645) on :
Patrick, remember watching this as a kid, shared the living daylights out of me. Aussies always seem to make very competent films.
Posted by aTomiK (Member # 6575) on :
The Amityville Horror (1979)
This is a good old fashioned horror movie. These old haunted house films really give me the creeps. I´ll have to check out the two sequels too.
Posted by Pyromantic (Member # 7658) on :
Eaten Alive (1976)
Posted by Lovers with Cassie (Member # 7794) on :
The Phantom of the Opera. A deranged composer loves a radiant Paris Opera House singer.
One of Lon Chaney's most well-known roles.
Posted by kevdugp73 (Member # 5978) on :
The Changeling. This at times can be a bit slow paced, but remains one of my favs. I used to love watching this as a kid. The seance scene freaks me out, and for some strange reason, it's gotta be close to the top of my list of all time scariest movie moments. Freaks my wife out too...to bug her sometimes, I do the freaky whispering voice....."Joseph"....I swear I just got chills writing the name! Argghhhhhhhh.....
Posted by pettyfan (Member # 2260) on :
I love The Changeling. It's one of my all time horror faves. I like the fact that it's a spooky, make you jump movie.
Posted by Lovers with Cassie (Member # 7794) on :
It's Alive. A hideously deformed baby commits a series of grisly murders.
Posted by Lovers with Cassie (Member # 7794) on :
quote:Originally posted by aTomiK: The Amityville Horror (1979)
This is a good old fashioned horror movie. These old haunted house films really give me the creeps. I´ll have to check out the two sequels too.
I have just watched The Amityville Horror.
I am well acquainted with the book.
Posted by Crash (Member # 7484) on :
Hands of the Ripper--Jack the Ripper's daughter wigs out in this excellent, underrated Hammer Film.
Posted by Lovers with Cassie (Member # 7794) on :
The Little Girl Who Lives Down the Lane. A 13-year-old girl who lives independently in a Canadian coastal village is not above murder, deception and lies to protect her secrets.
Posted by Lovers with Cassie (Member # 7794) on :
Sisters. A journalist with the help of a private detective investigates Siamese twins following her witnessing one of them commit a murder.
Posted by Lovers with Cassie (Member # 7794) on :
Phantasm (known here as Never Dead.) Two brothers not to mention a friend take on a sinister, wicked undertaker after stumbling across evidence of what he is doing.
Posted by Lovers with Cassie (Member # 7794) on :
Vampyr. A wanderer travels to a country manor and finishes up tangling with vampires.
Posted by Lovers with Cassie (Member # 7794) on :
Nosferatu. Silent version of Dracula under a different name for copyright reasons.
Posted by Crash (Member # 7484) on :
Tower of Evil (1972). An archeological expedition to a Brit island with an abandoned lighthouse runs into trouble from a crazed slasher.
Posted by Lovers with Cassie (Member # 7794) on :
The Hills Have Eyes. A family on a travelling holiday encounter a family of mutant cannibals while stranded in the desert.
Posted by Zach (Member # 9459) on :
Beyond the Door (1975), an Italian-American co-production that manages to copy two movies: The Exorcist and Rosemary's Baby. The opening prologue where the disembodied voice of the devil introduces the movie should indicate that this isn't meant to be a serious movie. But it's a lot of fun to watch, especially if you dig Italian-made clones of popular American movies like me.
Fun fact: One of the recurring lines in this movie, "Who are you?" is also an English translation of BTD's original Italian title, Chi Sei? Posted by Ronnie (Member # 465) on :
watched The Changeling (1979) with George C. Scott.
aired on IFC yesterday afternoon, love this movie.
Posted by Bernie_Lomax (Member # 8571) on :
Invasion of the Bodysnatchers 1978. I had never seen this one before and was quite good. Those high pitch squeals are freaky as.
Posted by The Pyromantic (Member # 7658) on :
Shock (1977):
[ 11. March 2011, 22:57: Message edited by: The Pyromantic ]
Posted by pettyfan (Member # 2260) on :
Toolbox Murders...I didn't know it was supposed to be based on actual events. It was okay. I liked the remake better.
Posted by The Pyromantic (Member # 7658) on :
Carnival of Souls (1962): Posted by Lovers with Cassie (Member # 7794) on :
House of Wax. A wax sculptor badly disfigured in a fire starts a wax museum made up of wax figures from human victims, his business partner who was responsible for the fire among them.
Posted by Lovers with Cassie (Member # 7794) on :
Squirm. Worms terrorise a southern U.S. town after a power line falls to the ground during a storm.
Posted by Lovers with Cassie (Member # 7794) on :
Night of the Living Dead. Survivors take refuge in a rural farmhouse while a plague of zombies roam the country outside.
"They're coming to get you, Barbara." Posted by Lovers with Cassie (Member # 7794) on :
From Beyond the Grave. Customers of an antiques shop meet horrifying fates in this quartet of tales.
Posted by Lovers with Cassie (Member # 7794) on :
The Tenant. Odd incidents begin to occur when a man moves into a flat whose previous occupant committed suicide by defenestration.
Posted by Lovers with Cassie (Member # 7794) on :
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Five young unfortunates run across a murderous family of maniacs who have a partiality for human flesh. Posted by Zach (Member # 9459) on :
Slithis (1978), a fun late-'70s monster mash with a '50s style monster terrorizing people in Venice, California. The creature looks very good and gets a fair amount of screen time. The cast is all unknowns who never advanced beyond supporting roles and bit parts in other movies.
Despite the PG rating, Slithis has some gory throat rippings, a bit of topless nudity, and the mutilated remains of victims of the beast. Remember, this was before when PG-rated movies could get away with more graphic content. Slithis would easily get an R today, although it would be more of a "soft" R than a "hard" R.
Posted by harry2 (Member # 7645) on :
The Amityville Horror 1979.Newlyweds move into a house where a murder was committed, and experience strange manifestations which drive them away. Stars Margot "Lois Lane" Kidder, Josh Brolin and Rod Steiger. This is seriously frightening, but gets a poor rating on IMDB. I would give it 7/10.
Posted by harry2 (Member # 7645) on :
Salems Lot. David Soul and James Mason star. Stephen King story of vampires in a small town. Scared me as a child but quite tame now. Still worth a look.
Posted by Lovers with Cassie (Member # 7794) on :
Sssssss. A doctor finds a way to transform a man into a King Cobra.
Posted by P_a_u_l (Member # 1022) on :
Lust For A Vampire (1971). Classic Hammer fayre, with the seemingly ever present Ralph Bates and the usual smattering of nubile lovelies, none of whom appear capable of understanding the instruction "don't go into the spooky castle on the hill"...
Posted by Crash (Member # 7484) on :
You know, Paul, a lot of folks really hate "Lust for a Vampire" with its fairly weak script, bad pop song "Strange Love" on the soundtrack, and the non-acting of Yutte Stensgaard, but I kind of like it. Of the films in the Carmilla/Karnstein triology, "The Vampire Lovers" is a masterpiece, "Lust for a Vampire" (on US TV as "To Love a Vampire," apparently a less provocative title) is pretty underrated, and "Twins of Evil," to me at least, is quite overrated. I really like comedian Steve Coogan's BBC series "Dr. Horrible's House of Horrible," where he did a very funny, spot on spoof of the Hammer Carmilla/Karnstein series called "Lesbian Vampires of Lust." It looked just like "Lust for a Vampire"--creepy woods, spooky castle on the hill, vampire babes falling out of their nightgowns...
Posted by The Good Package (Member # 9492) on :
i recorded the quartermass expierement on the mgm channel, is this a good one?
Posted by aTomiK (Member # 6575) on :
Thirst (1979)
This was an interesting and unique Australian horror thriller directed by Rod Hardy. The movie stars Chantal Contouri, Shirley Cameron, Max Phipps, David Hemmings, Rod Mullinar, Henry Silva and Robert Thompson.
"The plot revolves around married professional Kate Davis (Contouri), who is kidnapped by a shadowy organization known as 'The Brotherhood'. She is informed of her ancient lineage of descent from Báthory. The Brotherhood have a hospital-like compound where they clinically 'bleed' brainwashed and hypnotised humans and harvest and consume their blood. After Kate refuses to join, the cult give her hallucinogens to break down her resistance." (Wikipedia)
Contouri is good and there are some truly brooding sequences where the cult try to break her resistance. The score composed by Brian May was solid.
wasnt too bad till the end, then i dont know what the heck happened
Posted by The Good Package (Member # 9492) on :
linda blair was quite fetching in it though
Posted by aTomiK (Member # 6575) on :
The Toolbox Murders (1978)
Sick little video nasty directed by Dennis Donnelly Starring Cameron Mitchell, Pamelyn Ferdin, Wesley Eure, Nicolas Beauvy and Aneta Corsaut.
Pretty ladies, nasty kills and cool late 70s scenery.
Posted by Johnny Roarke is reckless (Member # 9826) on :
And ofcourse Kelly Nichols !
I hope the fact that i know who that is, doesn't say too much about what i've been watching here.
Having said that, check out Glitter (1983)! It's worth it. Not only for Kelly Nichols, but also for the tragic Shauna Grant.
Posted by aTomiK (Member # 6575) on :
Yeah, Kelly Nichols was awesome and got a career based on this movie. Never seen her XXX stuff though Posted by Ronnie (Member # 465) on :
Burnt Offerings (1976)
It was just ok for me. It somewhat reminded me of The Shining, which I am not really a fan of.
Posted by Ronnie (Member # 465) on :
Are You In The House Alone (1978)
Not bad... Cool to see a young Dennis Quaid in it.
It's on netflix instant streaming. Posted by aTomiK (Member # 6575) on :
Tentacles (1977)
This was a decent little horror flick inspired by the Jaws. Tentacles was directed by Ovidio G. Assonitis and stars Bo Hopkins, John Huston, Shelley Winters, Henry Fonda, Cesare Danova and Delia Boccardo.
I liked the cinematography but the film was too long, predictable and lacks blood and nudity One thing i didn´t guess was the killer whale vs. killer tentacle finale
The Gorgon, while second-tier Hammer, is a lot of fun. It gets high marks for creativity--trying to create a new classic monster--and role reversal with Lee as hero and Cushing as a sort-of-bad guy. And director John Gilling really tries to work up some atmosphere, despite the weak Gorgon make-up, which was laughable even by 60's standards, and the rickety, wobbly sets. It's not top 20 Hammer, that's for sure, but I always watch it when I stumble across it.
Posted by Crash (Member # 7484) on :
I finally caught up with Mario Bava's "5 Dolls for an August Moon" (1970). I had heard that it was not good and that Bava just did it as a work-for-hire. It wasn't even released in the U.S., which should tell you something. Not surprisingly, it's a mess. It's like the most boring version of Agatha Christie's "Ten Little Indians" ever--and doesn't make a lot of sense--though no movie can be completely awful with folks like William Berger and Edwige Fenech. (Was there ever a sexier Euro-starlet?) Everybody is attractive and dressed in the stylish fashions of the day, and the set decor screams swingin' 70s. The film also has an extra-cool soundtrack featuring a couple of jazzy organ cuts. Bava manages perhaps three good scenes or so, but he's already in his late-career overuse of the zoom lens. In fact, each of the nine despicable characters gets a zoom-in introduction. Yawn. Bava hated the film and called it his worst. I would nominate "Dr. Goldfoot and the Girl Bombs," but "5 Dolls" isn't much better. Still, for Bava fans, it's worth a look.
Posted by silentnight (Member # 37394) on :
The Devonville Terror
Posted by aTomiK (Member # 6575) on :
Demon Seed (1977)
"A scientist creates Proteus--an organic super computer with artificial intelligence which becomes obsessed with human beings, and in particular the creators wife." (IMDb)
Man, this was good! The film was based on the novel of the same name by Dean Koontz and i just love this dark 70s scifi atmosphere.
Julie Christie gives a great performance and Robert Vaughn is excellent as proteus´ voice. His best role ever? Could be. Loved the old school sfx too. Recommended!
Posted by Crash (Member # 7484) on :
I agree! Demon Seed is somewhat sleazy, but good. Julie Christie gives it her all, and Robert Vaughn uses his great voice to chilling effect. And it was directed by the late, great Donald Cammell, a really artistic filmmaker, who didn't receive a lot of love in his lifetime, but in another 10 years or so, will be considered one of the best directors of the 1970s-80s. A lot of critics hammered this because of the outrageousness of the plot, but now, almost 40 years later, it doesn't seem that crazy.
Posted by Johnny Roarke is reckless (Member # 9826) on :
Dr. Tarr's Torture Dungeon a.k.a. Mansion Of Madness (1973)
,The story is set in a kind of kingdom of madness, established when the inmates of a vast and surreal insane asylum lock up their keepers and enforce their own shocking hierarchy of activities and ideas'.
Loosely based on a story by Edgar Allan Poe, and heavily influenced by European art-films (most notably Fellini Satyricon), there's lots of bizarre set-pieces and surreal imagery (and some goofball comedy too).. but hey, what else was there to expect from Juan López Moctezuma, the man who produced Fando Y Lis (1968) and El Topo (1970) for Alejandro Jodorowsky, and who went on to direct Alucarda (1975) !
Available on dvd from Mondo Macabro under its original Mansion Of Madness title.
[ 27. February 2017, 09:15: Message edited by: Johnny Roarke is reckless ]
Posted by Crash (Member # 7484) on :
I like Moctezuma's Alucarda better, and Jodorowsky is one of my all-time favorite filmmakers. Santa Sangre is a masterpiece on so many levels.
Posted by J2ME (Member # 5728) on :
The Night Stalker (1972)
"An abrasive Las Vegas newspaper reporter investigates a series of murders committed by a vampire."
Thumbs up. Definitely one of the best 'made for TV' movies I've seen.
I plan to watch "The Night Strangler" and also the TV series.