My all time favourite is The Hunger. Especially the opening scene with Bauhaus' version of Bela Lugosis' dead. Does anyone recall that scene? What are YOUR fav vamp movies???
Posted by The Wizard (Member # 533) on :
A pretty obvious choice this one, The Lost Boys. I enjoyed the two Blade movies but I can't watch them as many times as TLB. A couple of other 80s vampire flicks I have are Lifeforce and The Lair of the White Worm (very strange, especially the dream sequences) A vampire film that's on my DVDs-to-get list is Vamp, haven't seen that one in years.
Posted by hollow (Member # 814) on :
My favorite has got to be Fright Night!
Posted by leopardpantsmoodlipstick (Member # 916) on :
I loved "The Lost boys."
Posted by DeaditebyDawn (Member # 140) on :
aside from the ones that have been mentioned.. which are obvious classics.. the only other vampire film from the 80's which I would consider a must-see is "Near Dark".. if we can sneak back a few years into the 70's, then I would add George Romero's "Martin" to that list as well.. btw.. that opening sequence with "Bela Lugosi's Dead" in "the Hunger" is great, a truly classic 'goth' song.
Posted by eightiesdude (Member # 752) on :
How about "my best friend is a vampire" or "once bitten"? hehe
Posted by Sid Fishes (Member # 1283) on :
easily "The Lost Boys". "Vamp", starring Grace Jones was a passable vampire movie too, haven't seen that one on telly in quite a while.
Posted by Akita (Member # 1257) on :
For Deaditebydawn, I really loved Near Dark too! Didn't think anyone would know that one. I can't believe I forgot Lost Boys...DUH! Sounds like we are into similar movies so tell me what Martin is about or why you liked it. I've never even heard of it. I'd be interested to see it.