Donnie Darko is one of my fav films, the new one looks pretty good, thou they seemed to have made it more ation packed than the other film, dont no wather thats a good thing or bad thing.
Posted by MotleyRulz (Member # 3598) on :
I was excited about this until I read straight to DVD. I'll probably give it a watch anyways......
Posted by Kash (Member # 297) on :
I hate it when they do a sequel with some tenous link to the original, what's the point? Donnie's dead, he embraced it, we know who the bunny was, we went through time & space, clarfied Smurfette's origin and the existential dillema of choice: what's left?
I'll probably end up watching this, begrudgingly, but I'll see it.
Posted by Let_The_Wind_Erase_Me (Member # 6519) on :
anybody seen it yet?
Posted by There'll be no morning for us (Member # 5804) on :
The release date was pushed back to 12th May.
Posted by Helen_S (Member # 5804) on :
I've just ordered this 2 years later haha Anyone seen it?
Posted by Muffy Tepperman (Member # 1551) on :
I think it was on instant watch on Netlfix.......Helen you watch it and get back to us would ya?
I just watched this movie 11:14 with Swayze and it reminded me a bit of his role in Donnie Darko and how great he is at dark stuff RIP Patrick.....totally made me sad.
Posted by Helen_S (Member # 5804) on :
Will do Posted by Helen_S (Member # 5804) on :
D'you know, it wasn't that bad. Yeah, if comparing to the first it falls way short. But just taking it as its own little thing, it was enjoyable for me. Had that same sombre feeling as 1.
Posted by Muffy Tepperman (Member # 1551) on :
ok i'll give it a chance Helen.....
Posted by Helen_S (Member # 5804) on :