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Posted by aTomiK (Member # 6575) on :
I just glanced through my old video magazines
and found this article about renting video tapes in the USA in 1987.
I know that some of you guys are from L.A.
so my silly question is, does this place look familiar?
I know that L.A. is a BIG city, but still..
Posted by Secret Admirer (Member # 3574) on :
Oh geez, I miss the old video rental stores.
Posted by JAY LEE (Member # 6345) on :
Those were the days! Look at that... Temple Of Doom, Delta Force, Cobra......!
Posted by logan5 (Member # 1467) on :
*NOBODY* gives Schwarzenegger a 'RAW DEAL'!
Stallone *IS* 'COBRA'!
That pic is like a friggin' time machine!