Dream A little Dream Soundtrack

Dream A little Dream Soundtrack


Vocal Song Tracks

Dream A little Dream featured the following songs:

Click/tap highlighted track names for full Soundtrack release info
Artists are linked if they appear in other featured movies.


One of the best soundtracks of the 80's ever that combines not only the awesome Hard rock of the late 80's, but also classics like Otis Redding and Van Morrison.

For a great in-depth look at "Never Turn Away", check out the Music Spotlight on All things 80's with Garrett's YouTube channelUpdate Us

Song Trivia

Thanks to logan5
The song 'Rock On' by Michael Damian was released as a single and topped the US charts. It was a cover version of a song by UK singer David Essex that originally reached #5 on the US charts in the early 70's.

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Instrumental Score

Primary Composer(s): John William Dexter


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1989 Vestron Pictures
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