Young Sherlock Holmes Movie Filming Locations

Young Sherlock Holmes Locations

Before a lifetime of adventure, they had the adventure of a lifetime.

Locations Notes

Rewind the locations where they filmed the 1985 Action / Adventure movie starring Nicholas Rowe, Alan Cox, Sophie Ward, Anthony Higgins

Susan Fleetwood, Freddie Jones, Nigel Stock, Roger Ashton-Griffiths, Earl Rhodes, Brian Oulton, Patrick Newell, Donald Eccles, Matthew Ryan, Matthew Blakstad, Jonathan Lacey, Walter Sparrow, Nadim Sawalha, Roger Brierley, Vivienne Chandler, Lockwood West Update Cast

Locations Manager(s): Steven Lawrence

Young Sherlock Holmes Filming Locations:

Outside the entrance to Brasenose College, Radcliffe Square, Oxford, UK was used as well as Belvoir Castle, Grantham, Leicestershire, UK for the flying machine scenes.

Many of the earlier scenes where Holmes and Waston first met were filmed in and around Eton College in Berkshire, UK. There are several scenes of the College Chapel and the main court yard with the statue of King Henry VI (who founded the College) in the background. [Thanks to Sparky J / Paul Plowman]

Penshurst Place, Penshurst near Tunbridge Wells, Kent was used for the fencing scene. The first boy's name was Penshurst as a reference. [Thanks to Alan Piddington]

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1985 Paramount Pictures / Amblin
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