Soul Man Movie Filming Locations

Soul Man Locations

Mark needs a Harvard scholarship, Harvard has one for a black student, Mark's not black...Yet

Locations Notes

Rewind the locations where they filmed the 1986 Romantic Comedy movie starring C. Thomas Howell, Rae Dawn Chong, Arye Gross, James Earl Jones

Leslie Nielsen, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Linda Hoy, Melora Hardin, Ann Walker, James Sikking, Max Wright Update Cast

Locations Manager(s): Charles Harrington

Soul Man Filming Locations:

Rewind Archive
Wanna see the real life filming location used for "Harvard" in the movie?

These scenes were actually shot at Wheaton College, located in Norton, Massachusetts. Google Map

Soul Man was filmed at locations in Norton, Massachusetts.

I was a freshman at Harvard in 1985-1986 and remember at least one scene shot there. What I remember is the star proceeding down Massachusetts Avenue next to Harvard Yard in an open car. I'm sure I remember this because I asked someone what was going on and was told that it was a movie being filmed depicting a white student pretending he was black so he could get into Harvard. (Did not know it was Harvard Law School and did not know it was in order to get a scholarship.) [Thanks to Yarden Weidenfeld]

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1986 New World Pictures
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