Santa Claus: The Movie Movie Filming Locations

Santa Claus: The Movie Locations

The Legend comes to life.

Locations Notes

Rewind the locations where they filmed the 1985 Family movie starring David Huddleston, John Lithgow, Dudley Moore, Burgess Meredith

Judy Cornwell, Jeffrey Kramer, Christian Fitzpatrick, Carrie Kei Heim, John Barrard, Anthony O'Donnell Update Cast

Locations Manager(s): Unknown Update

Santa Claus: The Movie Filming Locations:

Pinewood Studios, London, England was used.

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Locations Links

If you know of a good link for Santa Claus: The Movie locations, please let us know.

LX Preview

LX is our radical new locations feature that we've been beavering away on.. For years!

Each location will have it's own page with then/now pictures, maps, StreetView, discovery story and the most detailed explanations on how the location was used. Most importantly, the locations will have a status that shows whether they are verified correct and by whom. We are working with the actual locations managers or other crew where possible. The whole thing will be very interactive and you will, of course, be able to update everything.

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1985 Tristar Pictures
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