Children of the Corn Movie Filming Locations

Children of the Corn Locations

And a Child shall lead them...

Locations Notes

Rewind the locations where they filmed the 1984 Horror / Occult movie starring Peter Horton, Linda Hamilton, R.G. Armstrong, John Franklin

Courtney Gains, Anne Marie McEvoy, Robby Kiger, John Philbin, Julie Maddalena, Jonas Marlowe, Dan Snook, David Cowen, Suzy Southam, D.G. Johnson, Patrick Boylan, Elmer Soderstrom, Teresa Toigo, Mitch Carter, Eric Freeman Update Cast

Locations Manager(s): Unknown Update

Children of the Corn Filming Locations:

Filmed at Hornick, Salix, Sioux City and Whiting in Iowa, USA

There was a school in Hornick used. The house is in Salix and still standing. [Thanks to Kate]

Actually the house used in this movie is in Hornick, not Salix. It is still standing . The main street used in Whiting is nearly the same today as is was in the movie. [Thanks to Rod Anderson]

Interior shots of the house were shot in Sioux City. The house was located in the 800 block of Jones St. The house is no longer stranding. [Thanks to Mike Hammerstrom]

All the field and barn scenes were filmed at my grandparents farm, north of Hornick. I was on hand for some of the filming, notable was the explosion. It took 2 takes! Scouts picked their farm because the corn was the greenest. The crew used the farm as base camp as well. [Thanks to Jen Murphy]

Many Whiting school students were extras. The town of Whiting was used quite a bit. The scene around the flagpole and the related chase scene is Main Street, Whiting, the driving scenes early in the movie are just outside the town. The scenes out in the corn field with the crosses are just outside of Hornick, as is the house where they find the two little kids. Salix and Hornick are the locations of the church, school, the gas station where the old man was, and the inside of the cafe. Sergeant Bluff is where the hotel shown at the very beginning is. In some scenes, especially the chase scene with Peter Horton parts of two towns are used. Peter will be running down a Whiting street and when he goes around a corner he is suddenly in Salix. [Thanks to Rod Anderson]

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