Karate Kid Pictures
Karate Kid Title Pictures
Revised: 10th April 2000
All the best, exclusive Karate Kid Pictures. There will always be updates now and then, so please check back with us soon! - Also, don't forget there are pictures of the cast members like Daniel/Johnny/Ali in the cast section!

The Best, Hi-Res Karate Kid Pictures -Updated 28th March 2000

-Just click on the picture for a larger version!
It's the moment of truth... "If do right, no can defense..." "...Called Crane Technique"
Practice at the beach...

At Golf N' Stuff:
"-Yeah, we'll do that next time"
"What are you here for, old man?" "... It's open season on him... and you."
"Drive a punch"

"Man who catch fly With chopstick accomplish anything..." "Leave him alone, man, hes had enough"
"Tommy, Bobby -- GET HIM!"
"Come on -- make a move!"

Making eyes on the beach... Boyz on their bikes...
Daniel takes a cruel public beating...
"Just leave me alone..."

Ali... Miyagi's House ...
Outside the Dojo.
Mr Miyagi in his workshop.
*NEW* Pictures Added 28th March 2000 Below...
The New Arrivals at the beach *RECENT* Ralph Maccho is Daniel LaRusso... *RECENT*
"Getta squish, just like grape..." *NEW*
Golf N Stuff *NEW*

We have been the sad victim of another site starting up using our exclusive pictures as their sole content. These pictures are the Sole Property of Columbia Tristar Pictures Inc and are digitally watermarked. Do not take them from this site without express, written permission from us or Columbia. Our thanks to all those other decent webmasters who have not violated this or have had the decency to write and ask for help or permission to use certain things or information from this site.

Movie & All Images ©1984 Columbia Pictures. Please see the legal section for details.

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