Communion Movie Goofs / Mistakes

Communion Goofs

On December 26th 1985 Whitley Strieber had a dream...
Communion Picture
This look became standard for unfriendly extra-terrestrial's in the 90's.


"Er, someone wasn't on top of their game that day..."
See the goofs, blunders and plain ole mistakes in the 1989 Horror / Occult movie starring Christopher Walken, Lindsay Crouse, Andreas Katsulas, Frances Sternhagen

Terri Hanauer, Joel Carlson, John Dennis Johnston, Dee Dee Rescher, Aileen Fitzpatrick, R.J. Miller, Holly Fields, Paula Shaw (II), Juliet Sorcey, Tifni Twitchell, Joshua Miller (II), Kate Stern, Johnny Dark, Jonathan Fromdahl, Andrew Magarian, Basil Hoffman Update Cast

We believe the following are all legit mistakes. If we've bungled it, or you have additional info, please update us.

Rewind Archive
As Whitley opens the closet to find the teddy bear, he opens the right closet door. When filmed from the inside, both doors are open and he then proceeds to close the left door.

Bogus Blunders

Sometimes an apparent goof is not a real mistake

But, nothing bogus that we know yet for "Communion".
Next: Some Extra Goodies
1989 New Line Cinema
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