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Posted by evilash (Member # 6155) on :
My boyfriend has lately pointed out the distinct mom-like sentences I have been spewing to my daughter. One was "Please stop it already, you're making mommy's eye twitch!" and today I said"if you don't eat your soup you're having it for breakfast!" I can catch my mom's voice within mine sometimes and that is rudely awakening and scary at the same time. Any other Mommies or Daddies have this experience? [Eek!]
Posted by Jessie the Sunflower Goddess (Member # 1877) on :
OMG yes I catch myself saying things that I couldn't stand that my mom used to say, like "It's six one half dozen of the other", I said that one some time ago and actually was like 'I did not just say that'. It is funny how they tell you when you are growing up, just wait when you have kids you will true!
Posted by evilash (Member # 6155) on :
My mom is young but she hangs out with people 20-40 years older than her, she sews, crochets, slops the hogs (really), feeds the chickens and rings a dinner bell. She likes Days of Our Lives and quilting while watching it. I thought throughout my teen years what a lame mom she was. But now...I sew up my girl's clothes and stuffed animals, I watch Days when I can, and I like feeding chickens when I visit. Oh, my best friend is 15 years older than me and so is my boyfriend. I guess the next step is styling my hair in a boo-font!
Posted by mamamiasweetpeaches (Member # 1715) on :
When I was a teenager my father used to hate when my friends came to the house and trashed the place. he used to say "What do they think this is: A flop house?" I -to this day- do not know what the Hell a "flop house" is! But the other day my daughter's friends (they arent teenagers- rowdy nine year olds) came over and trashed the place and I said "What do they think this is...a flop house??????" I couldnt believe I actually said it. Of course my daughter then asked me what a "flop house" was and I didnt know.

(grabs dictionary ) it says "a cheap run down hotel". well, that solves THAT mystery!
Posted by StevenHW (Member # 509) on :
Originally posted by mamamiasweetpeaches:
...Of course my daughter then asked me what a "flop house" was and I didnt know.

[grabs dictionary] it says "a cheap run down hotel". Well, that solves THAT mystery!

A much earlier generation would've called these places as "passion pits". [Smile]
Posted by evilash (Member # 6155) on :
That's a good one. My dad likes to say "That's herecy!" a lot. I found myself saying "Stop running around like a little hethens!" I didn't know what that was, but I knew I didn't want to be one.
Posted by Rainbowbrite22 (Member # 2288) on :
my mom used to say this isnt grahmas your friends cant just come hang out all night ( grahams is a club back home ) or i use to hate when she said b/c i said so and i m your mother lol
Posted by evilash (Member # 6155) on :
My mom used to hate when my friends the neighborhood kids would come in and help themselves to popcicles w/o permission. "What the Hell? Am I supposed to feed the whole neighborhood?"
I still laugh. Come to think about it, those kids took advantage of my kindness an awful lot.
Posted by Smayt Shatner (Member # 1500) on :
My moms ace.'nuff said hehe.
she often sez this little phrase though that always baffles me ''....yes and if wishes were kisses...!''
ive no idea what it means but i love it and never want to know how it ends.shes always said it too.but i always stop her from ever finishing it now just because my imagination has an idea about it.i figure once i know what it means itl lose some of its mystique dont anyone tell me ok,please.its my mums quirky little thing and i love her bringing it into my life and bewildering me.hehe
Posted by P.S. It's Paul.... (Member # 1022) on :
Of course, now you'll get hundreds of responses telling you how it ends.

Personally, I reckon it's like Bender's joke in TBC - there IS no official ending.
Posted by Smayt Shatner (Member # 1500) on :
hehe i can live with no proper ending lol

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